Homeopathy For Athletes and Sports Injury

Arsenicum Album

Arsenicum Album For Athletes and Sports Injury

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  • RX_arsenicum-_album_pillsArsenicum is the #1 flu prevention for athletes while traveling to  sporting events on the road – take 1 dose of Arsenicum album 200C once weekly for flu prevention in winter months.
  • This remedy is the #1 remedy for food poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea – especially if occurring at the same time.
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration.
  • Colds and flu with thin, watery and  burning nasal discharge and sneezing.  Worse going into open air.  Burning in the nose which remains stopped up in spite of fluent discharge.
  • Digestive disturbances.  Jaundice. Anemia.
  • Coma, shock, convulsions.
  • Chilly person worse from cold, except headache which is relieved by warmth.  The person desires warmth.
  • Useful remedy for mental disorders with symptoms of melancholy, irritation, intense anxiety, and restlessness. The person needing Arsenicum may feel anxious and have a fear of disease or recovery.

Quick Facts About Arsenicum Album

  • RX_arsenicumDerived from the metallic element arsenic.
  • Traces of arsenic are found in vegetables and animals.
  • Arsenicum album (Ars. alb.) is among the top 15 very most important homeopathic remedies!

Promoting Rapid Healing From Sports Injuries and Maximum Performance, Naturally!

Homeopathy For Athletes and Sports Injury
