Homeopathy For Athletes and Sports Injury

Best Sports Homeopathic Remedies

Best Sports Homeopathic Remedies

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IMG_3342We highly recommend that every athlete have the following remedies on hand in a 30C potency – and in their gym bag!  Sports injuries require prompt and immediate care to heal rapidly.

All of the following are common homeopathic remedies that can be purchased at your local health food store or  ordered easily on-line at AffordableHomeopathy.com

Read more about each of these remedies , listed alphabetically by their Latin names, and the various sports conditions that each will effectively treat on their individual pages:

  1. Arnica montana – #1 sports remedy!
  2. Arsenicum Album
  3. Bellis perennis
  4. Bryonia Alba
  5. Calendula
  6. Calcarea carbonica
  7. Causticum
  8. Ferrum Metallicum
  9. Gelsemium sempervirens
  10. Hypericum perforatum
  11. Ledum palustre
  12. Lycopodium clavatum
  13. Nat Sulphuricum
  14. Phosphurus
  15. Rhus toxicodenderon – #2 sports remedy!
  16. Ruta graveolens
  17. Symphytum officinale

Promoting Rapid Healing From Sports Injuries and Maximum Performance, Naturally!


Homeopathy For Athletes and Sports Injury